Seamlessly integrate your data & deliver exceptional CRM Software customer experience

Our CRM Software services are focused to offer perfect automated marketing, sales, and customer services. It ranges from CRM Software consulting and implementation to testing and support of a CRM Software solution.

InfotonicsMedia assists businesses in minimizing marketing, sales, and customer service expenses for 15 years. We provide comprehensive CRM implementation and recover fallen sales opportunities through the development of the current CRM software.


Being the credible organization that we are, we never thrust our product upon you. As a software consulting agency, whenever any business approaches us, we run a scanner through its existing lines of working and mechanisms, identify lacunae in effective management, shortcomings in sales and marketing methods, and then come up with smart solutions to bridge the gaps identified.  

Here are the points we identified in our experience that you should consider making a switch to CRM Software:

Streamline and Automate Processes

You can standardize workflows and processes associated with marketing, customer support, and sales, and thus improve coordination.

Be adept in your dealings

Negotiate smartly by having precise knowledge of your customers’ business requirements. This would happen when you have all their communications and interactions documented systematically, in one cluster that you can access anytime and scan pertinent arguments.

Enhance customer experience

Happy customers are more likely to be loyal customers and come back more often. So, it’s of utmost importance to know if all of your customers are satisfied. If not, figure out the reasons and fix them. A CRM software is instrumental in terms of collecting data on customer satisfaction. Some products also incorporate customer service capabilities to further support customers.

Boost Sales

A CRM software lets you know important customer data such as birthdays, locations, age, and industry, which you can use to personalize communication as well as offerings. With the right offers made to the right customers at the optimal time, you can make better deals, resulting in improved ROI.

Work Remotely from your convenience

Keep all users on the same page through a cloud-based CRM software system. Remote access enables sales representatives to check and update data on the go and work from anywhere.

Cut costs

You can quickly implement a cloud-based CRM software platform without any special installation and hardware requirements, minimizing IT costs and eliminating the need for version control and scheduled updates. CRM software pricing is based on the number of users and features needed, making it a cost-effective solution.

Make Customers for life

Earning customers is not a big deal, what counts is how many of them are you able to retain. Building relationships that are profitable and yielding results is what every business aims for. CRM Software makes that possible for you.

Why choose Infotonics CRM Software Solution?

Indigenously built with world-class functionality

  • Reduce time – Our CRM Software Solution cuts the non-essential tasks of hefty data typing and complicated workforce management to give you enough time to focus on customers and better your services to grow as a business.
  • Cut costs – With our generic and industry-specific variants, you only pay for what you need and don’t run the risk of overrun IT budgets.
  • Web-based performance analysis – Now, keep track of your employees’ performance with web-generated performance reports. Understand the progress through charts displaying statistics of hot and close leads. 
  • Data protection and security – With tech-based protection, our CRM Software Solution ensures that all your data is safe. Besides, CRM Software collates your data centrally on the web to avoid the risk of losing data in case of an employee switch.
  • High-end automation – From lead gathering, report generation to quote building, let the platform do these and a variety of other tasks that would otherwise consume a mammoth of your workforce’s time.             
  • User-friendly functions – With no unnecessarily complicated tools, IM’s CRM Software consists of just relevant tools that are easy to use. Users can learn to operate the software in just the course of organically navigating.
  • Best UI/UX – Ours is a software developed with ‘customer’ as its focus. We put a great deal of effort into enhanced interactivity to ensure it is relevant.

Why turn to Infotonics Media?

Our CRM Software Services Offerings at A Glance:

CRM Software Consulting Services

CRM Software Development Services

CRM Implementation Services

CRM QA & Testing Services

CRM Support Services

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